Selasa, 23 Desember 2008

i dare you....

Ican’t remember when is my first time doing this activity but, i nkow that i enjoy the adventure of this activity thats called mbams. Sudenly i realize that mbams is become my biggest obsesion in my live.
Mbams is an adventure activity that was create by some teenager in kediri indonesia. In the past,mbams activity is called city adventure because what they do is just like a road trips whithout money. Can’t you imagine that...? doing road trips with no money and you have to solve some problem in the road...? maybe you think that easy.but don’t forget that you must do this trip in couple day. There is no tranportasion,no food, money,or any other help. Can you do it..? i dare you to do mbams activity in your country and please send me the feedback in

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